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How to Accurately Estimate LiFePO4 Battery State of Charge (SOC)


How to Accurately Estimate LiFePO4 Battery State of Charge (SOC)



Lithium Iron Phosphate (LiFePO4) batteries have gained popularity due to their high energy density, long cycle life, and safety features. However, accurately estimating their State of Charge (SOC) can be challenging. This article discusses various methods for estimating the SOC of LiFePO4 batteries.

Estimating SOC Based on Resting Voltage

One straightforward method is to measure the battery’s open circuit voltage (OCV) after allowing it to rest for 30 minutes without charging or discharging. The resting OCV provides a reasonable indication of the SOC for LiFePO4 batteries:

SOC Charge Voltage
100% 13.6V
99% 13.4V
90% 13.2V
70% 13.1V
40% 13.0V
30% 12.9V
20% 12.8V
14% 12.7V
9% 12.6V
0% 10.0V

This table provides reference voltages at various SOC levels. However, slight variations may occur among different LiFePO4 batteries, so some calibration may be necessary. The resting voltage method is simple but requires the battery to be at rest, which is not always practical.


Other SOC Estimation Methods

While the resting voltage method is simple, other techniques can estimate SOC during operation:

  • Coulomb counting: Integrates current to calculate SOC.
  • Impedance measurement: Determines SOC based on conductivity.
  • Machine learning algorithms: Correlate data to estimate SOC.

These methods can account for battery dynamics but require accurate sensors, complex hardware, and computations.



Measuring resting voltage after 30 minutes provides a reliable SOC estimate across a wide range. However, methods like coulomb counting may be necessary for continuous operation. The optimal SOC estimation approach balances accuracy, cost, and computational needs for the application. Proper SOC monitoring ensures the safe and efficient use of LiFePO4 batteries.

Edit by paco

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