Winston 100Ah LiFeYPO4 batteries shipped to Cyprus
A customer from Cyprus ordered 75pcs Winston TSWB-LY100AHA-B LiFepo4 battery cells. They used the Winston 100ah cells before, and very satisfied with the performance and quality of the Winston battery. This time they purchased these LiFePO4 cells to build the battery bank provides power of the machine.
Winston TSWB-LYP100AHA-B LYP type battery is ideally used as a mobile power source and energy storage device, has excellent safety performance and cycle life, When the battery case temperature below 85 degrees, this type of batteries can accept a fast charge and discharge under 3CA current.
The 75pcs Winston 100ah LiFeYPO4 battery cells were packed in 5 plywood cases, with total gross weight of 355kgs, 0.54CBM. The packages were filled with sponges to prevent shaking during the transportation. We will deliver the cargo to the port of Limassol. It will take about one month to arrive.
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