160Ah Winston Battery LiFYPO4 12V960Ah 12KWH to Hawaii, the USA
A clients from Florida, USA ordered 24pcs 160Ah Winston Battery in 2018, assembled them into a 12V960Ah Battery Pack. we have 160Ah Lithium Battery cells in stock in Florida at that time. we delivered the batteries and connectors by UPS to him. the battery pack with 11.5kwh, working with good performance for over 2 years and the clients decide to make anther 12V960Ah lithium battery pack now
He would like to assemble another 12V960Ah Lithium battery pack in Hawaii, USA, we provide batteries and connectors, busbars to him and deliver them by boat to Hawaii from Hongkong. Hawaii is a butiful place with around 1 million population. but power cost is very expensive, more and more people trying to build
self solar power station on their roof. we are cooperating with some of local companies who is building solar power station and home energy storage system for people in Hawaii.
We provide lithium battery cells which can be connected by copper busbars and screws to people who would like to build the batter pack themselves. and also provide 48V100Ah battery pack system which has integrated with BMS inside.
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