LiFeYPO4 Battery is created by Winston Chung, Founder of Thunder Sky Winston Battery Limited located in Shenzhen, China. its full name is rare earth yttrium lithium battery.
Winston LiFeYPO4 Battery is a kind of high power lithium ion battery and its different with the traditional lithium ion battery and lithium iron phosphate battery. Winsotn LiFeYPO4 Battery has much better performance on high rate discharge and performance on low and high temperate. the range of working temperate is from -45¡æto 85¡æ. and the cycle life is as much as 7000 times at 70% DOD.
As one of the best lithium ion batteries, Winston LiFeYPO4 Battery is widely used on electric vehcle, energy storage system and other application and over 805 of Winston LiFeYPO4 battery are sold to oversea markets. its one of most popular lithium batery produced in China for oversea market. Winston LiFeYPO4 battery is one of most impressived product created by China.

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